As parents, one of the biggest fears we have for our kids going into contact sports is an injury. Of course, though these fears are natural to have, the equipment needed and required for soccer can eliminate some of the emotion.
And soccer shin guards are one of the must-have equipment that will ease your fears. It’s also required to play the game.
For example, shin guards help protect the lower part of your child’s legs from kicks and hard shots. In addition, it gives protection between their ankles and knees, and sometimes their ankles too.
Best 4 soccer shin guards for kids and youth (boys and girls).
We have assembled the best options that can be found at your local sports store or online. Here are our top four for your child:

These shin guards by DashSport are perfect for your beginner. The ankle guard/sleeve provides great protection for your child during practice and games.
It comes in a basic white color but does not fall short when providing what your child needs for ultimate security:
» Offers total and complete protection that shin guards without the ankle guard do not have.
» Comes with a size chart to choose the perfect fit for your child.
» Does not move around because of the stability of the fit and the extra Velcro strap on the actual shin guard.

With a low price and five different colors, the Vizari Malaga shin guard is a great option for your young soccer star.
These shin guards come in a combination of colors including, black and white, red, sky blue and yellow, pink and black, and red and yellow.
You will find the perfect design and color combination for your child.
» Also, it comes with an ankle guard and Velcro strap for extra protection for your child’s ankle. The strap is perfect for securing the shin guard so it won’t move around too much.
» The back of the shin guard has FOAM PADDING. That means that the hard shell of the shin guard won’t discomfort your child, and it is more comfortable when contact does occur.
» The type of design offers a full protection of the lower leg.

3. Adidas Ghost Pro Shin Guard

If you thought that the last shin guard had a lot of design options, the Adidas Ghost Pro Shin Guard takes the cake in that department.
Not only does it provide so many different colors, there are also so many different cool designs for your child to choose from.
» Made up of 3 levels of “shields” for ultimate protection.
» Is more comfortable and flexible for those who don’t like bulky shin guards.
» Requires sleeve and does not have an ankle guard. This is a great “transition” shin guard.

4. Nike Mercurial Lite Soccer Shin Guards

Though a bit more expensive than some of the other shin guards on the list, (only a bit) the Nike Mercurial Lite Soccer Shin Guard is another great option for those wanting less bulk in their sock.
» Comes with the sleeves to secure the shin guard in place.
» Meets all the requirements needed for club soccer.
» As said in the name, it is extremely light in weight and will make your kid feel less weighed down when running and playing.

The best inexpensive (cheap) soccer shin guards for kids and youth.
As basic as it gets for shin guards, the Nike J Guards offer protection and everything you need from this particular piece of equipment.
Even though it does not come with guards, sleeves, or straps, it is a simple mold from a highly esteemed brand.
» Cheap and effective. It is also Nike authentic!
» They are built for comfort and provide enough protection for games and practices.
» Easy to wash and easy to slip into soccer socks.
Though this is not completely necessary, for instance, I play with just shin guards on their own, there is different equipment that might help make your child’s first experiences with shin guards less uncomfortable.

Things you might need for your kid’s soccer shin guards
• Guard stays and straps is a piece of equipment that goes over the soccer sock to hold the shin guard in place and to prevent it from slipping down.
They usually come in different colors so you can mix and match with the actual color of your child’s soccer sock.
• Guard sleeves are cloth (or different material) sleeves that go completely over the shin guard and underneath the sock.
They hold them completely in place and depending on the material, can keep away sweat and moisture. Also, they come in different sizes and colors that can fit for your child.
• A tape is used to go over the shin guard and wrapped around the outside of the sock to keep your child’s shin guards in place.
They are sometimes better than the Velcro straps that come on the actual shin guard because it doesn’t put pressure directly onto the skin.
Below, you will find the best guard stays and straps, guard sleeves, and tape to compliment your kid’s soccer shin guards.
The best 2 soccer shin guard straps and stays for kids/youth

For a great, inexpensive price, the Adidas Shin Guard Straps are a simple way to keep your child’s shin guards in place.
» Come in white and black to not draw too much attention to them while they sit over the soccer sock.
» Come with very versatile and adjustable hook and loop straps so it fits over children’s legs of any size.

This official Nike Guard Stay has the quality that only comes with Nike.
Surprisingly, they are available at an affordable price. They are two and a half inches.
» They can go in the washer and they don’t fade or lose their elasticity.
» Come in blue, black and white. They also durable enough to last years.

The best 2 soccer shin guard compression sleeves for kids/youth
1. Nike Guard Lock Compression Sleeves

These Nike Guard Compression Sleeves are a perfect fit because they stretch to fit any size of the shin guard. Of course, they fit all types of Nike brand shin guards.
Of course, they fit all types of Nike brand shin guards.
» They are very breathable and wipe moisture instantly away.
» They are a “snug” fit and get the job done, holding your child’s shin guards in place.
» They are available in larger sizes so as your child progresses, you can keep ordering the same brand.

2. Kwik Goal Adult Shin Guard Compression Sleeves

A less popular brand means less expensive. They also are machine washable for easy maintenance.
They are also available in youth and adult size so as your child grows, options are still available.
» Fit on multiple brands of shin guards.
» They are inexpensive, can buy multiple times in case your child loses one.

The best athletic tape for your kid’s soccer shin guard
1. Mueller Rainbow Pack of Sports Pre-Wrap

Pre-Wrap or Pre-Tape is also a great option to hold up shin guards.
It is also extremely multi-purposeful, can be used as a headband, underneath athletic tape to protect the skin, can hold up shirt sleeves, or hold ice packs in place.
The Rainbow Pack is just that. It comes in eight different colors to mix and match with your child’s uniform!

Types of soccer shin guard for kids and youth
There are many different forms of soccer shin guards to use (with/without straps, with/without ankle guards, with/without sleeves, etc).
Ankle guards for extra protection.
This is great for beginners, because most of the other players will have less accuracy on the ball, and this provides more protection.
Slip in shin guards.
These types are the easiest to maintain, but normally are bought (or come with) sleeves or some sort of way to keep them stable. Usually used when your child is already used to wearing shin guards
Strapped shin guards.
These come with a Velcro strap built into the shin guard. Perfect for beginners and just holding them in place.
The different types of shin guards make it difficult to choose which one is perfect for your child. However, knowing them will help you choose the right one for your kids.
Sizing youth soccer shin guards
To find the perfect size youth soccer shin guards for your child, there are sizing charts available based on the height and/or age of your child.
Below is the general height sizing chart you can follow.
» Extra Small XS – up to 4′ 7″ inches
» Small S – up to 5′ 2″ inches
» Medium M – up to 5′ 10″ inches
» Large L – up to 6′ 4″ inches
» Extra Large XL – over 6′ 4″ inches
The actual size and comfort level for your child may differ so please use the above as a guide.
From my experience, most soccer players prefer their shin guard to fit one inch below their knee and slightly above their ankle.
How to choose the best soccer shin guards for kids/youth
The 3 most important things when it comes to buying a soccer shin guard for your youth is to look for comfort, type, and size ( larger protection area).
Pay close attention to the fit for your child as a better fit will provide comfort and protection.
How to maintain or care for your kid’s soccer shin guards so it lasts longer
Some shin guards can be simply just through into the washing machine. But then let them air dry! Do not throw them in the dryer.
For a simpler way to clean, just use soap and water. Some may suggest using baking soda to stop the odor.
Beginning a new sport and knowing the ins and outs of what’s best for your child to use is one of the most popular difficulties that parents have.
We hope this list of shin guards and equipment will help make your search for the best and most economical decision an easier and quicker process.
Image via Micheal0424